BRI Prioritas Mahakarya Borobudur 2018
Batik Fashion Performing Arts “Indonesia Fabric” to celebrate the World Heritage Day and Indonesian Women emancipation (Kartini Day)

Batik Fashion Performing Arts “Indonesia Fabric” to celebrate the World Heritage Day and Indonesian Women emancipation (Kartini Day)
The most awaited year-end event in Borobudur. Thousands of dazzling LED Ballons will be released into the air to mark the transition to the new year full of […]
A People’s cultural feast celebrate at 20 Borobudur Economic Centers (BALKONDES – Balai Ekonomi Desa)
An annual international event joined by runner from across the world. Come and be a winner in this prestigious event.
Prominent persons concerned in managing world heritage will be attending this important conference
This a memorable cycling tour as cyclist ride through village with beautiful scenery, starting early from the magnificent Borobudur and finishing at the elegant Prambanan Temple
Singing bird will show off their beauty voices in the midst of a garden surrounding the World Heritage of Prambanan
A Cultural, art and culinary festival with performance and displays from across the archipelago
This Music festival will be once again filled with a lineup of international and Indonesian musicians, singer, and band performing on spectacular stage with the magnificent Prambanan Temple […]