
Ramayana Ballet Prambanan 2022 Show

Trimurti Indoor Theatre & Open Air Theatre

Event Information

Location : Trimurti Indoor Theatre & Open Air Theatre
Time : Saturday, 01 January 2022 - Saturday, 31 December 2022

The story began with the defeat of King Damarmoyo by King Boko, the father of Princess Roro Jonggrang. King Damarmoyo told his son Bandung about this defeat. Bandung, who is in anger, challenges King Boko in a war and he finally defeated King Boko. At that time Bandung saw a beautiful princess named Roro Jonggrang, and he fell in love with her. But after Roro Jonggrang knew that Bandung murdered her Father, she then had wicked intentions to trick Bandung to build 1000 temples if he wants to marry her.

Here the trouble starts, Bandung who is helped by Bondowoso and ghost soldiers failed to finish 1000 temples. Since Princess Roro Jonggrang tricked him, Bandung Bondowoso cursed Jonggrang to be a statue as the final 1000 temple.

Ramayana Ballet Prambanan is usually held every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. It is performed at Open Air Theatre on May-October and Trimurti Stage on January-April & November-December.

Calendar of Event Ramayana 2022

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