Gongso Agung Prambanan

December 02, 2016 / News

PT Taman Wisata Candi
Borobudur, Prambanan, & Ratu Boko


Gongso Agung Prambanan

A gamelan (javanes traditional music instrumental) parade, to appreciate local cultural and for expression venue from local traditional musician.

With special performance from
–          Karawitan Gayatri (Klaten Central Java)
–          UKJGS – Universitas Gajah Mada
–          PRASASTI – Universitas Gajah Mada
–          PSIKOLOGI – Universitas Gajah Mada
–          WELLY – Yogyakarta
–          KAMASETRA – Universitas Negeri Surakarta
–          UNS – Surakarta
–          JOGJA GANGSA NAGARI – ISI Yogyakarta, UGM dan USD

With over then 50 gamelan musician from Vietnam, Tiongkok, Russia, Bulgaria, Spain, Ukraine, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Tanzania, South Korea, Timor Leste, Italy, Australia, Czech Republic, and many more

And special Batik fashion show from BATIK PURO PAKUALAMAN

Sunday, 4th December 2016, 06.00 Pm
At Kinara Kinari Stage
Ramayana Prambanan Complex, Jogjakarta

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