Ramayana Prambanan dance drama performed in Paris

November 23, 2016 / News

The Indonesian dance drama Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan was performed in front of 400 people at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The decision to hold a celebratory performance at the UNESCO headquarters aimed to show gratitude toward the organization. The Ramayana tale presented was taken from reliefs carved into the walls of Prambanan, thus it was called Ramayana Prambanan.

The performance was part of celebrations to mark the 25th anniversary since Borobudur and Prambanan temples were included on the organization’s world heritage list, as well as the 20th anniversary since the Sangiran Early Man Site joined the same list.

The inclusion of Borobudur and Prambanan on UNESCO’s world heritage list could increase public awareness and encourage people to help preserve the sites.


Taken from: http://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2016/11/23/ramayana-prambanan-dance-drama-performed-in-paris.html

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